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The Kortney Rose Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is dedicated to raising funds to support research and education related to the treatment and cure of pediatric brain tumors. Enhancing the quality of life of children with brain tumors requires access to excellent specialty care, clinical trials, follow-up care, and rehabilitative services. Improving the outlook for these children requires research into the causes of better treatments of brain tumors. The goal is to find a balance between the best available treatments with the best quality of life.

As one of the initial foundation supporters of the Children’s Brain Tumor Tissue Consortium (CBTTC) we continue to support research through this collaborative initiative among 17 member hospitals working together, sharing real time data to find answers faster than ever before. We also support other significant pediatric brain/central nervous system tumor research projects as long as the researcher agrees to share his/her data.

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for being part of The Kortney Rose Foundation’s (KRF) support network, which has united to raise over $1.5 million dollars for research to find better treatments and cures for pediatric brain tumors. Together we are honoring Kortney’s spirit and creating her legacy of helping other children with brain tumors and central nervous system (CNS) tumors through the promise of research. Brain tumors are the #1 disease cause of death in children, and less than 4% of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) research funding goes to ALL pediatric cancers. That means 96% of NCI funding goes to adult cancers and less than 4% goes to kids, yet children make up 20% of the population. Think about that for a moment! This is what motivates me to keep doing what we’re doing until we can Help Get Brain Tumors Off Kids’ Minds!

Sincerely, Kristen Gillette – Founder/Executive Director of The Kortney Rose Foundation (but most importantly, Kortney’s Mom)